Model Boat Journal
Construction photographs, articles and discussions regarding shipmodel building. Coverage includes models powered by Sail, Steam or Electric power Scale and Semi-scale, Radio Control Sail Boats.
Model Sail Boat: Building a 45inch Star Boat includes: The Star 45 Through Time A Brief History of the Star 45 Model Yacht
MainZone Model Boat Building Zones; Model Sail Boat Building
With the popularity of radio-controlled models, the number of people interested in owning a model yacht has also grown - in geometric range. As with model aircraft, the choice of sailing models runs the gamut from child's toy to sophisticated craft.
Includes: The Star 45 Through Time A Brief History of the Star 45 Model Yacht
Compiled, from information provided by enthusiasts in the building and sailing of Star 45s, by Phil Geren, 23 June 2006 Edited by Dave Mainwaring March 2008
Building Displaying Model Boats and Ships Boat and Ship Models display or powered by Sail, Steam or Electric power Scale and Semi-scale, Radio Control Sail Boats.
Model Boat Building Resource. Plans, snapshots, notes and sources for scratch builders
For example:Materials for spars (from 1995 discussion)
Gorilla's two-part epoxy
Revolutionary push rod connector system
Add an airhorn to your model
very good "figure-making class
Model Jonesport Lobster Boat Lines circa 1930-1940
mvmyc star45 construction manual: The electronic copy of the manual no longer exist. MVMYC wanted to make this public to others as a reference for building a Star 45. MVMYC created this manual when Paul G. was making Star 45 fiberglass hulls, decks, fins, rudders. Paul no longer makes the Star 45 fiberglass parts. In respect of viewing this now public manual, please do NOT contact any of the resources listed accept Scott R. as he is still making sails for Star 45. When viewing the PDF documents below, select the back button on your browser to return to this page.You can print each document to create a hard copy of the manual. per MVMYC
Sailing Models Breeze Chasers model boat building
Model sail boat pictures. Radio Control Scale and Semi-scale Model Sail Boats of all types.
The Star 45 Builders Journal Construction photographs, articles about the AMYA Star 45, S45
AMYA Star45 How To Build R/C Model Sail Boat
Downloadable plans {drawings, prints} on-line
Wooden model boat building. Based on the International Star Boat this semi-scale Star45 can be scratch built by novice or seasoned skipper. Easily radio controlled and large enough to see out on the water this is a model built by hobbyists for over thirty years, It is a hot model sail boat. . Laser cut bulkheads available from hobby suppliers.
LinkedIn Group for Model Ship Builders
Conversations about model boats and ships.Share information between peers and newbies: Sail, Live- Steam, Electric, Scale, Semi-scale, Radio Control, combat, submarines, big, gigantic, or static display. Meet builders and R/C skippers of all ages.
Ludwig Manufacturing Home of Ludwig RC Yachts Spar, Sails & Accessories. The Star45 plug is based on the newest set of profiles created by John Fisher with the increased 1" freeboard.
One Meter Net, website
Pond Yacht Works model Star45
Chesapeake performance Models Manufacturer, Distributor and builder
Official Carr Sails Website | Maker of Model Yacht Sails 40 Years Experience
Star 45 Class INSTRUCTIONS FOR SELECTION of Model sails
Using the chart below, establish requirements for your new sails as follows:
1) Select color for corner reinforcements: (red, yellow, blue, green, black or white.)
2) Select mainsail to mast attachment: Mast loops, jackwire, bolt-rope, hooks (add $for hooks.)
3) Select sail material if other than suggested: (TS-40 - TriSpi 40 (1 oz. mylar); PX-75 - Mylar (1.2 oz);
2D - 2.2 oz dacron (white only); 2N - 2.2 oz stabilized nylon (white, red, blue); 2MM - 2mil drafting mylar)
4) If Class Insignia and racing numbers required, select color: (red, blue, green or black), (add $)
5) If horizontal draft stripes required, (mylar only) select color: (red, blue, green or black), (add $)
6) If you intend to race under AMYA rules, check your class rule to confirm that aftermarket sails are allowed
AMYA buy Plans for Star 45 AMYA's Ship's Store
Houston Star 45
Full Size Star: International Star Class
Stevens AreoModel Laser Cutting. S45 Frames etc
AMYA website
2010 Julie Ayers Trophy winner,
About the AMYA
AMYA Classes, Boats (A-N)
AMYA Classes, Boats (O-Z)
AMYA classifieds
AMYA Club directory
Club resources
Home of AMYA
AMYA _Join/Renew
AMYA, R/C Sailboat Magazine
AMYA Regattas
AMYA Regions
AMYA Racing Rules tutorial
Sails and supplier links
How to Select a Radio Controlled Model Sailboat, the how to manual that you can edit
Fishing Boats of the Northeast
MainZone International a Dave Mainwaring Model Boat Zone! > Lobster Boat Models
MainZone International THIS SECTION NEEDS REPAIR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Links to downloadable files for use in building the Star 45 reside on mainzone server
This model is is built using frames otherwise known as shadows or bulkheads. The files for these frames reside here on
You can click on the links for files and your browser will download to your machine both the CAD (Computer Aided Drawings type DXF and DWG) and the PDF formatted files. Save the files to you machine's disc.
Please note; your machine (PC) may not have a program to display the dxf or dwg files as drawings. They may not be visible at all or they may display as a text stream of commands for the laser cutting machine.
John Fisher
Most laser plotters used to cut materials require either DXF files or DWG files
DXF files are CAD vector data - plotter files that instruct a device to "start here" then put the (pen, knife) down and "move to, go to"
You need a set of three files for frames and one file for the common building board set up jig.
A CAD viewer or CAD application is required to view the contents as images. Remember: Download the building board file and the three files for laser cutting frames.
The CAD files are provided "as-is". No warranty is expressed or implied. Questions regarding these files and building models using these files should be discussed on the Star45 group on
To set up the frames it is easier if you make a Building Board. Use the files for the Building Board jig, or build your own jig remembering building board is has frame spacing of 4 7/16" to reduce the overall length to 45".When ever building remember to measure and verify where you-are-at and that the hull will be true (free of twists or turns).
Stevens Aero has laser cut frames.
Our frames are cut for 1/16" thick planking and single chine stringer. They include the corrected half frames and the building board gives a finished hull OAL of 45". The files also are production ready with text on a single layer and "holds" added to keep the cut parts in the wood after cutting.
These files at Stevens are the frames from the offsets provided on the official star 45 plans cut from 1/8" light ply. John added a spot to put chain plates that are parallel to the mast step and interlock with the frames for additional strength. The building board is cut from 1/8" balsa and has frame spacing of 4 7/16" to reduce the overall length to 45". There is a hole in the transom for a sails etc silicone drain plug and a pc to support the rudder tube.
Mainzone CAD dxf files: Building Board Board Jig File type DXF
NOTE! You will see CAD laser cutter instructions not a picture of the building board.

Frames File type DXF 1 of 3
NOTE! You will see CAD laser cutter instructions not a picture of the frames.

FramesFile type DXF 2 of 3
NOTE! You will see CAD laser cutter instructions not a picture of the frames.

Frames File type DXF 3 of 3
NOTE! You will see CAD laser cutter instructions not a picture of the frames.

Mainzone CAD DWG files:
Building Board Jig file type DWG

Frames File type DWG 1 of 3
Frames File type DWG 2 of 3 Frames File type DWG 2 of 3
Frame images PDF file 1 of 2. This file contains ten pages.
Frame images PDF file 2 of 2. This file contains a single page
The pdf image files will display in your browser and may be viewed using the Acrobat Reader

They were built using the laser cut frames.

MX images
Steam Towboat Baltimore, Baltimore MD
The Listening-Zones website The World through hobbies, crafts, creative pastimes, E-mail and Web-based Conversations! Hobbies & Crafts Zones There are a lot of creative crafts for older kids and adults. I included the following because they are ones that I enjoy.