Line drawing and templates {Plans} for building a Star45 sailing model, Free to printout and scale to size

AMYA Star45 sailing model plans
Most browsers will allow you to right click and open the jpg images. You can then save them to your machine.
This set of plans are based on drawing from John Fisher 2006. John may have new and updated drawings available. Check with membership required.
I want to thank J. Herrmann,, for his assistance in converting pdf's to jpg drawing, adding color to the templates and adding the grid to the final images Most browsers will allow you to right click and open the jpg files. You can then save them to your machine.
You can buy a Building Board jig, or build your own jig remembering building board is has frame spacing of 4 7/16" to reduce the overall length to 45".
You can print JPG drawings to desired sizes. You can get print outs on large paper at Staple's or similar store
There are many varieties of drawings, here are a few more:
Star45 Hull Templates and shadows The grid shown is set to 1/4 inch squares. So if you print the templates you can check the size by making sure the grid yields a 1/4 square. Modelers will use different building materials for the model.
These are JPG drawing and print outs may require adjustments to get the widths to correct sizing.
For a Star45 AMYA class you need to make adjustments to allow for planking thickness. The rules establish the maximum allowable beam dimension and hull length. Most browsers will allow you to right click and open the jpg files. You can then save them to your machine. This set of templates are based on drawing from John Fisher in 2006.
There are more templates on the blog